Multimodal Vision Research Laboratory



We are always interested in hard-working students (and post-docs) with strong technical abilities, a desire to grow, and an eagerness to work on challenging problems as part of a team. If you are interested, please see our openings page.

current members

Nathan Jacobs, PhD CS

Director, Professor of Computer Science
Michael Lanier
PhD student in Computer Science (w/ Yevgeniy Vorobeychik)
Nia Hodges
PhD student in Systems Science and Mathematics
Alex Wollam
PhD student in Computer Science
Tong Li
PhD student in Computational & Data Sciences
Hongzhang Wang
MS student in Computer Science
Haris Naveed
BS/MS student in Computer Science
Jonathan Lin
Post-Bacc Research Assistant
Phoenix Jarosz
REU/Undergraduate Researcher (WashU)
Myan Sudharsanan
MS student in Computer Science
Shuhan Zhang
MS student in Computer Science
Wanzhou Liu
MS student in Computer Science
Lunchi Guo
MS student in Computer Science (w/ Allan Thomas)
Jingyun Ma
MS student in Computer Science (w/ Allan Thomas)
Ethan Weilheimer
MS student in Computer Science


Adeel Ahmad

Postdoc (PhD Geomatics),
Daniel Khen
Undergraduate Researcher, Fall 2024
John Lim
REU (Northwestern U.), Summer 2024
Gabriella Ramirez
REU (Univ. of Missouri), Summer 2024
Brian Song
REU (Vanderbilt Univ.), Summer 2024
Eddie Choi
Post-Bacc Research Assistant, 2024
José Nascimento
Visiting student (UNICAMP), 2024
Xin Xing
PhD CS, Fall 2023; to Assitant Professor at University of Nebraska-Omaha
Josh Liu
REU, Summer 2023
Sam Schwartz
REU, Summer 2023
Alex Greene
MS CS, May 2023; to Bridgewater Associates
Yu Zhang

PhD CS, May 2023; to Bastian Solution R&D Lab
Krishna Bhatraju
High School Mentee, 2021-2022; to Stanford
Alex Levering

Visiting PhD Student from Wageningen University, 2023; to TBD
Zachary Pulliam
MS Data Science, 2022; to Capgemini
Benjamin Brodie
Postdoc (PhD Math), 2020-2022; to BlueHalo
Cohen Archbold
BS CS, May 2022; to PhD program in CS at the University of Kentucky
Julia Stekardis
Undergraduate Research, 2021; to Expedia Group
Jacob Birge
MS CS, 2021; to UPS
Evan Bolton
BS CS, Summer 2021; to Badger Technologies
Nicole Wong
Visiting BS student in CS (was High School Mentee), 2018-2021; to MIT
Shashank Bhatt
Undergraduate Research, 2019 - 2022; to TBD
Adib Mosharrof
Visiting PhD Student, 2021 - 2022; to Siddique Lab
Hunter Blanton
PhD CS, Summer 2021; to
Chris Wang
High School Mentee, 2021; to University of Missouri
Rafael Padilha

Visiting PhD student from University of Campinas, Brazil, Dec 2020; to Research Software Engineer at Microsoft Research
Gongbo "Tony" Liang
PhD in CS, May 2020; to Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Sean Grate
BS Math, May 2020; to PhD program in Math at Auburn University
Armin Hadzic
MS CS, 2020; to Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Raian Vargas Maretto
Visiting student from INPE, Brazil, 2019; to Assistant Professor at University of Twente
Thomas Barber
REU, Summer 2019
Evan Yang
BS CS, 2019
Tawfiq Salem

PhD CS, Summer 2019; to Assistant Professor of Practice at Purdue University, Department of Computer and Information Technology
Yuhan Long
REU, Summer 2019; to PhD program at University of Minnesota
Whitney Dawson
High School Mentee, Summer 2019
Weilian "William" Song
MS CS, May 2019; to PhD program at Simon Fraser University
Menghua "Ted" Zhai
PhD CS, Fall 2018; to MatrixSense Inc., Shanghai
Zach Bessinger

PhD CS, Fall 2018; to Data Scientist at Zillow
Scott Workman
PhD CS, May 2018; to Dzyne Technologies
Aaron Mueller
BS CS, May 2018; to PhD program at Johns Hopkins University
William "Derek" Jones
MS CS (w/ Sally Ellingson), 2018; to Data Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, PhD program at UCSD
Hamid Hamraz
PhD CS, 2018; to Data Scientist at Microsoft
Ryan Landry
High School Mentee, 2018; to Virginia Tech
Patrick Tutzauer
Visiting student from Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart, Fall 2017; to nFrames (Esri Research and Development Center Stuttgart)
Samuel Davidson
REU, 2017; to Firmware Engineer at Lexmark
Angelo Stekardis
BS CS (Chellgren Fellow), 2017; to Computer Vision Software Engineer at Iris Automation
Andrew Albrecht
High School Mentee, 2017; to University of Louisville
C.J. Labianca
High School Mentee, 2017; to Purdue University
Mohammad T. Islam
PhD CS, 2016; to Associate Professor at Southern Connecticut State University
Ryan Baltenberger
MS CS, 2016; to Badger Technologies (was Software Developer at airSpring Software)
David Smith
BS CS, 2015; to PhD program in CS at University of Florida
Andrew Tapia
High School Mentee, 2015; to University of Kentucky
R. Paul Mihail
PhD CS (w/ Judy Goldsmith), 2014; to Associate Professor at Valdosta State University
Feiyu Shi
MS EE, 2013; to MS program in CS at Boston University, then Microsoft
Alex Lucas
High School Mentee, 2013
Jim Knochelman
BS CS, 2012; to IBM (was Software Developer at airSpring Software)