teaching computational photography (UK CS 585)
01 August 2010
Course Summary
Computational Photography is a field of research at the convergence of
computer graphics, computer vision and photography. Its goal is to
overcome the limitations of the traditional camera by using
computational techniques and alternative camera designs to produce a
richer, more vivid, perhaps more perceptually meaningful
representation of our visual world.
The aim of this advanced undergraduate/graduate course is to study
ways in which visual samples of the real world (images and video) can
be used to generate compelling computer graphics imagery. We will
learn how to acquire, represent, and render scenes using images
captured by digital cameras. Several popular algorithms will be
presented, with an emphasis on using these techniques to build
practical systems. This hands-on emphasis will be reflected in the
programming assignments, in which students will have the opportunity
to acquire their own images of indoor and outdoor scenes and develop
the image analysis and synthesis tools needed to render and view the
scenes on the computer.
Topics include:
- Cameras (traditional and generalized)
- Image Formation (lenses, shutters, sensors and apertures) Visual Perception
- Image and Video Processing (filtering, anti-aliasing, pyramids)
- Image Manipulation (warping, morphing, mosaicing, matting, compositing)
- Modeling and Synthesis using Lots of Images (e.g. summarizing a year of images of scene with one image)
- High Dynamic Range Imaging and Tone Mapping